No, you won’t! You have 7 days to try our software for free. If you decide to cancel, you should do so prior to the end of your free trial to avoid being charged. You will be charged the full amount of the premium subscription price ($49.00) on the expiry of the free trial unless you cancel. (Basic and Reseller subscriptions don’t have a 7-day Free Trial, and their credit card will be charged instantly)
Yes, you can cancel anytime. Just make sure to do it before the renewal date. Once you’ve canceled, you will no longer be charged, and you will continue to have access to your subscription until the end of your current billing cycle.
No. You have the option to choose any of our monthly or yearly subscriptions. You’re free to cancel your subscription at any time. Once you’ve canceled, we won’t process any more charges on your account for the next billing cycle.
Yes. After subscribing to Score My Reviews services, we provide phone, email, and chat support. We also provide step-by-step tutorials and knowledge-based areas.
You can add all your locations under the same dashboard/account. There will be $49.00 for any additional locations. If you have more than four locations, contact us, and we will provide you with a 20% discount on all of your locations.
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